Date:2015-07-22 13:48:00

The Elisa strategic cooperation engineer visited Four-Faith

Elisa is the largest 3G mobile telecommunication operators of Finland, also the leader of mobile and fixed-line operators in Nordic market. Their successful cooperation will have a significant help Four-Faith to develop its business in the Nordic market.

Recently, the Elisa strategic cooperation engineer visited Four-Faith, exchanged the latest communication technology, CCTV monitoring and application of power electric industry in Europe with Four-Faith. And then, Four-Faith R&D team explored the customized solution with customer.

Aiming at the customer’s key point project, Four-Faith engineer had put forward a wireless CCTV monitoring solution of power transmission line based on 4G industrial router, by using F3X34 series 4G industrial grade wireless router to build a CCTV monitoring system via 3G/4G wireless network. To realize the remote monitoring of high voltage transmission line connection status, line status, ice situation, electrical insulator status and construction situation and personnel activities surrounding.

Through a rigorous testing of Four-Faith products by Elisa engineer, has proved the Four-Faith products with a reliable and stable high speed of connection. More cooperation details are discussing now.

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