Brand New Upgrade, Powered by 5G Redcap! Four-Faith Industrial Routers Make 5G "Lighter"

5G Redcap Industrial Routers 5G Redcap Industrial Router

The Industry's First! Four-Faith 5G LoRaWAN Gateway is Now Available, Accelerating the Commercial Deployment of RedCap on a Large Scale

5G LoRaWAN Gateway RedCap router

Spotlight on the 2023 Enlit Asia Exhibition, Exploring Market Opportunities in Jakarta with Four-Faith
Four-Faith 5G RedCap Router Achieves China Mobile's 5G and Lightweight Product Capability Certification

Four-Faith 5G RedCap Router Lightweight Product Capability Certification

Four-Faith Makes a Splash at the Canton Fair, Boosting the Brand's International Presence and Showcasing the Charm of 'Made in China' to the World

Four-Faith the Canton Fair Made in China

Upgrade and Iteration! Four-Faith Launches First 5G Industrial Data Acquisition Gateway, Unlocking Diverse Interface Demands

5G Industrial Data Acquisition Gateway

Industry's First! Four-Faith 5G Terminal Successfully Passes China Unicom's RedCap Industrial Router Commercial Capability Certification Test


Recently, Four-Faith's 5G Industrial Router passed the China Unicom 5G IoT OPENLAB's capability certification test, marking the industry's first innovative incubation of a commercial RedCap industrial router terminal. China Unicom awarded Four-Faith the first OPENLAB certification certificate for RedCap terminals.
China Mobile Collaborates with Four-Faith and Other Industry Partners to Release 5G RedCap White Paper, Accelerating RedCap Commercialization

5G RedCap RedCap Technology 5G Networks

On June 28, 2023, the Shanghai World Mobile Communication Conference grandly opened at the Shanghai New International Expo Center. China Mobile, together with industry partners like Four-Faith, jointly released the "5G RedCap Lightweight Generic Module Technology Requirements White Paper".
5G Base Station - The Core Equipment of 5G Network

5G Base Station

5G base station is the core equipment of 5G network, which provides wireless coverage and realizes wireless signal transmission between wired communication network and wireless terminal.
What is 5G Radio Frequency? Interesting Black Technology of 5G Radio Frequency

5G Radio Frequency

5G radio frequency, literally, Radio Frequency means radio frequency. Radio frequency signals specifically refer to wireless electromagnetic waves in the frequency range of 300KHz~300GHz.